- base jump: salto base
- bungee jumping: puénting
- inline skating: patinaje en línea
- rollerblading: patinaje sobre ruedas
- kayaking: practicar kayak
- rafting: rafting
- skydiving: paracaidismo
- BMX (bicicle motocross): ciclocross
- motocross: motocross
- rock climbing: escalada en roca
- surfing: surfear
- waterkiing: esquí acuático
- skiing: esquiar (en la nieve)
- snowboarding: tabla de nieve
- snowmobile: moto de nieve
- skateboarding: deslizarse con skate
- rally-car racing: carreras de coches
- adrenaline rush: subidón de adrenalina
- train: entrenar
- to have a go: probar, intentar
- to be hooked: estar enganchado (viciado)
- to have a lot of fun: divertirse mucho, pasárselo muy bien
- tide: marea (del mar)
- receipt: ticket de compra
- burns: quemaduras
- unharmed: indemne / ileso
- blaze: llamarada
- spokeperson: portavoz
- rush: apresurarse
- awful: horribe / espantoso
- police: policía
- ambulance: ambulancia
- firefighters: bomberos
- army: ejército
- search and rescue workers: trabajadores de búsqueda y rescate
- coastguard: guardacostas
- drawing: dibujo (lápiz) – drawer
- sculpture: escultura – sculptor
- graffiti: graffiti – graffiti artist
- pottery: alfarería – potter
- portrait: retrato – painter
- photograph: fotografía – photographer
- landscape: paisaje – painter
- installation: instalación (todo el lugar es la obra de arte) – painter
- still life: bodegón (objetos inanimados) – painter
- print: impreso, grabado, estampado
- great: genial
- beautiful: bonito
- funny: divertido
- original: original
- peaceful: pacífico
- vintage/ancient: antiguo (positivo)
- old-fashioned: anticuado (negativo)
- colorful: colorido
- extravagant: extravagante
- ugly: feo
- boring/dull: aburrido (que aburre)
- tedious: tedioso
- delighted: very happy (encantado).
- awful: very bad (espantoso).
- terrified: very frightened (aterrorizado).
- amazing: very great (genial).
- huge: very big (enorme).
- tiny: very small (diminuto).
We can form adjectives using a verb +ed/ing. It depends on the aim of the adjective: suffers o produces the action of the verb. There are some examples in the following chart:
-ED | -ING |
SUFRE la acción del verbo | PRODUCE la acción del verbo |
embarrassed (averzonado) | embarrassing (vergonzoso) |
bored (aburrido) | boring (que aburre) |
worried (preocupado) | worrying (preocupante) |
tired (cansado) | tiring (que cansa) |
relaxed (relajado) | relaxing (relajante) |
surprised (sorprendido) | surprising (sorprendente) |
excited (emocionado) | exciting (emocionante) |
frigthened (asustado) | frightening (que asusta) |
disappointed (decepcionado) | disappointing (decepcionante) |
amused (divertido) | amusing (que divierte) |
We use it to talk about:
- Actions in a recent past.
- They are still relevant.
I/We/You/They have done some incredible things. | SUBJECT + HAVE + PARTICIPLE VERB + COM. |
He/She/It has done some incredible things. | SUBJECT + HAS + PARTICIPLE VERB + COM. |
I/We/You/They haven’t performed in Britain. | SUBJ. + HAVE NOT + PARTICIPLE V. + COM. |
He/She/It hasn’t performed in Britain. | SUBJ. + HAS NOT + PARTICIPLE V. + COM. |
Have I/we/you/they seen their 3D film? Yes, I/we/you/they have / No, I/we/you/they haven’t. | HAVE + SUBJECT + PARTICIPLE V. + COM + ? YES/NO + SUBJECT + HAVE/HAVEN’T |
Has he/she/it seen their 3D film? Yes, he/she/it has / No, he/she/it hasn’t. | HAS + SUBJECT + PARTICIPLE V. + COM + ? YES/NO + SUBJECT + HAS/HASN’T |
To form the present perfect, we need to know how to form the past participle, with the following rules:
1. Adding +ed: perform –> performed.
2. Irregular verbs don’t follow the rules.
That means there are some verbs that we have to learn and memorize. These verbs are the next (press the download button to know them):
If you want to practice the irregular verbs, you can visit the following page (it’s mine) where I divide them in7 parts (as I have studied) and there are exercises for each section: https://eva-arnau.es/2020/11/30/ingles-los-verbos-irregulares-past-simple-past-participle-translation/
Once you have learn how to form the present perfect, you need to use it. For that, it’s necessary to know the temporary expressions that are really useful:
There are some rules to learn how to use them (but after practicing a lot, you won’t need any rule):
- FOR: Alejandra has been teacher for six years.
- Expresar duración en el tiempo (DURANTE).
- Al final de la oración delante de la expresión de tiempo.
- En cualquier oración.
- SINCE: Alejandra has been teacher since 2016.
- Indica el momento de inicio (DESDE).
- Al final de la oración delante de la expresión de tiempo.
- En cualquier oración.
- JUST: I have just explained it.
- Hablar de acciones acabadas recientemente (ACABAR DE).
- Entre el auxiliar (have/has) y el participio.
- En cualquier oración.
- YET: I haven’t eaten breakfast yet. // Have you eaten your breakfast yet?
- Acciones esperadas que aún no han ocurrido (TODAVÍA/AÚN).
- Al final de la oración.
- En negativas e interrogativas.
- ALREADY: Jesús has already copied the sentence.
- Algo que ha ocurrido antes de lo esperado (YA).
- Entre auxiliar (have/has) y participio.
- En positivas.
- EVER: Have you ever studied Chinese? // You haven’t studied Chinese, ever.
- Preguntar experiencias del pasado (ALGUNA VEZ?).
Or - A veces, hablar de cosas que nunca hemos hecho (EN LA HISTORIA).
- Entre el sujeto y el participio.
Or - Al final de la oración detrás de una coma.
- En interrogativas.
Or - En afirmativas o negativas
- Preguntar experiencias del pasado (ALGUNA VEZ?).
- NEVER: You have never studied Chinese.
- Hablar de cosas que nunca hemos hecho (NUNCA).
- Entre auxiliar y participio.
- En afirmativas o negativas.
First of all, you have to remember how to use past simple (the next page may help you: https://eva-arnau.es/2020/12/11/ingles-vocabulario-literatura-y-profesiones-gramatica-pasado-simple-was-were-could-couldnt/ ).
Now let’s see when we should use past simple and when is better using present perfect:
Some of the following quantifiers were studied in the next page: https://eva-arnau.es/2021/03/28/ingles-vocabulary-geography-and-landscape-animals-grammar-comparatives-superlatives-a-an-some-any-much-many-a-lot-of-as-as/ .
The word TOO means demasiado, and we can use it:
a) TOO + ADJECTIVE: You are too handsome // You aren’t too handsome.
b) TOO MUCH/MANY (depending of the noun) + NOUN: There’s too many people there // There isn’t too much tea.
The word ENOUGH means suficiente/bastante, and we can use it:
a) ADJECTIVE + ENOUGH: You are handsome enough // You aren’t handsome enough.
b) ENOUGH + NOUN: You have enough shoes // There aren’t enough shoes here.
Thank you for visiting this page! I hope you liked it and you can read others like in eva-arnau.es ;).